Codenic Bloc Use Case

What does it do?

The Codenic Bloc Use Case package provides a suite of abstract use case templates (powered by BloC cubits) that you can extend to define and create your application's use cases as part of your clean architecture.

This uses fpdart's Either monad for managing union types.

Use Case TemplatesDescription

A use case for executing a specific task ideal for create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations.

A use case for streaming data.


1. Add the dependency

Add the Dart package in your pubspec.yaml by running the following command in the root of your project:

dart pub add codenic_bloc_use_case

2. Build your app

Install the package by calling:

dart pub get

Next steps

Once installed, you can start creating your use cases by following the Runner and Watcher documentation.

Last updated