Implementing a Repository

Let's create an implementation of the Note Repository that uses our created Data Source to create, read, update and delete note entries and persist those changes in our local storage.

We will extensively make use of the ExceptionConverterSuite, a helper class from the codenic_exception_converter package for conveniently converting exceptions into Failure objects with automated logging capabilities.

Create a file called note_repository_impl.dart in the note_app/modules/infrastructure/lib/note/ directory and copy the following code:

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:domain/domain.dart';
import 'package:domain/note/entities/note_entry.dart';
import 'package:domain/note/failures/note_content_too_long_failure.dart';
import 'package:domain/note/failures/note_title_too_long_failure.dart';
import 'package:domain/note/repositories/note_repository.dart';
import 'package:infrastructure/data_sources/sqlbrite/sqlbrite_data_source.dart';

/// {@template NoteRepositoryImpl}
/// See [NoteRepository].
/// {@endtemplate}
class NoteRepositoryImpl extends NoteRepository {
  /// {@macro NoteRepositoryImpl}
    required ExceptionConverterSuite exceptionConverterSuite,
    required SqlbriteDataSource sqlbriteDataSource,
  })  : _exceptionConverterSuite = exceptionConverterSuite,
        _sqlbriteDataSource = sqlbriteDataSource;

  /// A utility tool for converting [Exception]s to [Failure]s.
  final ExceptionConverterSuite _exceptionConverterSuite;

  /// The SQLBrite data source instance for persisting note entries.
  final SqlbriteDataSource _sqlbriteDataSource;
  FutureOr<Either<Failure, void>> createNoteEntry(
      {String? title, String? content}) {
    return _exceptionConverterSuite.observe(
      messageLog: MessageLog(id: 'create-note-entry'){'title': title, 'content': content}),
      task: (messageLog) async {
        if (title != null && title.length > 24) {
          return const Left(NoteTitleTooLongFailure());

        if (content != null && content.length > 128) {
          return const Left(NoteContentTooLongFailure());

        await _sqlbriteDataSource.createNoteEntry(
          title: title ?? '',
          content: content ?? '',

        return const Right(null);

  FutureOr<Either<Failure, void>> updateNoteEntry(
      {required String id, String? title, String? content}) {
    assert(title != null || content != null);

    return _exceptionConverterSuite.observe(
      messageLog: MessageLog(id: 'update-note-entry'){'id': id, 'title': title, 'content': content}),
      task: (messageLog) async {
        await _sqlbriteDataSource.updateNoteEntry(
          id: id,
          title: title,
          content: content,

        return const Right(null);

  FutureOr<Either<Failure, void>> deleteNoteEntry({required String id}) {
    return _exceptionConverterSuite.observe(
      messageLog: MessageLog(id: 'delete-note-entry'){'id': id}),
      task: (messageLog) async {
        await _sqlbriteDataSource.deleteNoteEntry(id: id);
        return const Right(null);

  FutureOr<Either<Failure, List<NoteEntry>>> fetchNoteEntries(
      {int? limit, pageToken}) {
    return _exceptionConverterSuite.observe(
      messageLog: MessageLog(id: 'fetch-note-entries'){'limit': limit, 'nextToken': pageToken}),
      task: (messageLog) async {
        final noteEntries = await _sqlbriteDataSource.fetchNoteEntries(
          limit: limit ?? 10,
          offset: pageToken,

        return Right( => e.toEntity()).toList());

  FutureOr<Either<Failure, VerboseStream<Failure, List<NoteEntry>>>>
      watchNoteEntries({int? limit}) async {
    return _exceptionConverterSuite.observe(
      messageLog: MessageLog(id: 'watch-note-entries'){'limit': limit}),
      task: (messageLog) async {
        final stream = _sqlbriteDataSource
            .watchRecentNoteEntries(limit: limit ?? 10)
            .map((event) => => e.toEntity()).toList());

        // A `VerboseStream` is a stream wrapper that enables the conversion 
        // of an error into another object (in our case, a `Failure` object) 
        // before it is emitted.
        return Right(
            errorConverter: (error, stackTrace) =>
              messageLog: messageLog,
              error: error,
              stackTrace: stackTrace,
            stream: stream,

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