External Dependencies

Let's add the following dependencies in our presentation's pubspec.yaml

In the note_app/modules/presentation/ directory, include the following dependencies in the pubspec.yaml:

  flutter_bloc: {{LATEST_VERSION}}
  get_it: {{LATEST_VERSION}}
  infinite_scroll_pagination: {{LATEST_VERSION}}

Here's an overview of the packages:

  • flutter_bloc The package for integrating our Use Cases (based on BLoC Cubits) to our Flutter app.

  • get_it This package will enable us to inject our dependencies via a Service Locator.

  • infinite_scroll_pagination This package provides a set of widgets for implementing note pagination more conveniently.

Fetch the dependencies:

flutter pub get modules/presentation

Tip: You can use a script to fetch the dependencies for all submodules in one go.

Last updated