

A Watcher is a type of use case that streams data and continuously emits either a Left Event (error) or a Right Event (data) as long as the corresponding stream is active.

However, before a stream can start emitting events, it must first be started. If the stream fails to start, then a Left Value (error) will be emitted. If the stream starts successfully, then a Right Value (a VerboseStream containing the stream being listened to) will be emitted.

A Watcher can emit 7 possible class states, all of which inherit the WatcherState sealed class:

A Watcher also has the following properties that you can access:

Creating a Watcher

Let's implement a Watcher use case called WatchFruitBasket that does the following:

  • Add fruits to the basket.

  • Emits all the fruits in the basket when new ones are added.

Begin by creating the following classes:

1. Create the Parameter class

This is the parameter class passed to the Watcher when creating and starting the stream.

/// The parameter for the [WatchFruitBasket] use case to specify the max 
/// capacity allowed in the fruit basket.
class WatchFruitBasketParams {
  const WatchFruitBasketParams({required this.maxCapacity});

  /// The max number of fruits allowed in the fruit basket.
  final int maxCapacity;

  String toString() => toMap().toString();

  Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => {'maxCapacity': maxCapacity};

2. Create the Left event class

This is the object returned when the Watcher emits a StartWatchFailed or a WatchErrorReceived state.

class Failure {
  const Failure(this.message);

  final String message;

  String toString() => 'Failure: $message';

3. Create the Right event class

This is the object returned when the Watcher emits a WatchDataReceived state.

/// The right value for the [FruitBasket] use case representing the fruit 
/// basket.
class FruitBasket {
  const FruitBasket(this.fruits);

  /// The fruits in the basket.
  final List<String> fruits;

  String toString() => 'FruitBasket: $fruits';

4. Create the Watcher

Pass the Parameter, Left and Right event classes to the Runner's generic arguments. Afterwards, implement the code logic in the onCall method:

/// A watcher for streaming fruits that goes inside the fruit basket.
class WatchFruitBasket
    extends Watcher<WatchFruitBasketParams, Failure, FruitBasket> {
  /// The stream controller for the fruit basket.
  StreamController<FruitBasket>? streamController;

  /// The max number of fruits allowed in the fruit basket.
  int? basketCapacity;

  /// The fruits currently in the fruit basket.
  List<String>? fruits;

  /// A callback function triggered when the [watch] method is called.
  FutureOr<Either<Failure, VerboseStream<Failure, FruitBasket>>> onCall(
    WatchFruitBasketParams params,
  ) async {
    if (params.maxCapacity < 1) {
      // When the basket capacity is less than 1, then a left value is returned
      return const Left(Failure('Basket capacity must be greater than 0'));

    basketCapacity = params.maxCapacity;
    fruits = [];
    await streamController?.close();

    // Create a new stream controller
    streamController = StreamController<FruitBasket>();

    // Return a right value `VerboseStream` containing the stream that will be
    // listened to and its error converter
    // A [VerboseStream] is a [Stream] wrapper which gives it an error
    // handler for converting [Exception]s into [Failure]s before it gets 
    // emitted
    return Right(
        stream: streamController!.stream,
        errorConverter: (error, stackTrace) => Failure(error.toString()),

  /// A helper method to add fruits to the fruit basket.
  void addFruits(List<String> newFruits) {
    if (fruits == null || basketCapacity == null || streamController == null) {

    if (fruits!.length + newFruits.length <= basketCapacity!) {
    } else {
      streamController!.addError(Exception('Fruit Basket is full'));

  /// A helper method for closing the stream controller.
  Future<void> closeStream() async => streamController?.close();

  Future<void> close() {
    return super.close();

Using a Watcher

1. Start the Watcher and emit an event

To start the Watcher stream, call the watch method:

final watchFruitBasket = WatchFruitBasket();

// Initiate the stream
  params: const WatchFruitBasketParams(maxCapacity: 5),

// Use the helper method to add fruits and emit a Right event
await watchFruitBasket.addFruits(['Apple', 'Orange', 'Mango']);

The Watcher will emit the StartWatching state while the stream is being initiated. If it is successful, then a StartWatchSuccess state together with a Right Value will be emitted. Otherwise, a StartWatchFailed state will be emitted containing Left Value.

The Right Value holds a VerboseStream object which contains the stream being listened to.

Once the Watcher successfully starts watching, a WatchDataReceived state will be emitted containing the Right Event whenever the stream receives new data. On the other hand, if the stream receives an error, then a WatchErrorReceived will be emitted alongside a Left Event.

2. View the Watcher properties

The Watcher gives you access to the following properties:

// The latest value returned when calling `watch()`. This may either be the 
// `leftValue` if `StartWatchFailed` was recently emitted. Otherwise, this 
// will be equal to the `rightValue` if `StartWatchSuccess` was more recent
print('Current value: ${watcher.value}');

// The latest params returned when calling `watch()`. This may either be the 
// `leftParams` if `StartWatchFailed` was recently emitted. Otherwise, this 
// will be equal to the `rightParams` if `StartWatchSuccess` was more recent
print('Current params: ${watcher.params}');

// The last left value returned when a failed `watch()` was called
print('Last left value: ${watcher.leftValue}');

// The last left params passed when a failed `watch()` was called
print('Last left params: ${watcher.leftParams}');

// The last right value returned when a successful `watch()` was called
print('Last right value: ${watcher.rightValue}');

// The last right params passed when a successful `watch()` was called
print('Last right params: ${watcher.rightParams}');

// The latest event emitted by the Watcher. This can either be the 
// `leftEvent` if `WatchErrorReceived` was recently emitted. Otherwise, this 
// will be equal to the `rightEvent` if `WatchDataReceived` was more recent
print('Current event: ${watcher.event}');

// The last error event emitted by Watcher
print('Last left event: ${watcher.leftEvent}');

// The last data event emitted by the Watcher
print('Last right event: ${watcher.rightEvent}');

3. Reset the Watcher

To clear the Watcher and reset it back to its initial state, call the reset method:


Flutter Example

Every use case is a descendent of BLoC cubit. Hence, we can manage its states via the flutter_bloc package.

  lazy: false,
  create: (context) =>
    // Initialize and eagerly run the Watcher
    WatchFruitBasket() const WatchFruitBasketParams(maxCapacity: 5)),
  child: BlocConsumer<WatchFruitBasket, WatcherState>(
    listener: (context, watcherState) {
      if (watcherState is WatcherInitial) {
      } else if (watcherState is StartWatching) {
        // Handle start watch
      } else if (watcherState is StartWatchFailed<Failure>) {
        // Handle start watch failure
        print('Left value: ${watcherState.leftValue}');
      } else if (watcherState is StartWatchSuccess) {
        // Handle start watch success. Add fruits to emit an event<WatchFruitBasket>().addFruits(['Apple', 'Orange']);
      } else if (watcherState is WatchErrorReceived<Failure>) {
        // Handle an error event
        print('Left event: ${watcherState.leftEvent}');
      } else if (watcherState is WatchDataReceived<FruitBasket>) {
        // Handle a data event
        print('Right event: ${watcherState.rightEvent}');
      } else if (watcherState is WatchDone) {
        // Handle stream closed
    builder: (context, watcherState) {
      switch (watcherState) {
        case WatcherInitial():
          return Container();
        case StartWatching():
          return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
        case StartWatchFailed():
          return Center(
            child: Text('Start watch failed: ${watcherState.leftValue}'),
        case StartWatchSuccess():
          return const Center(child: Text('Start watch success'));
        case WatchErrorReceived():
          return Center(
            child: Text('Left event: ${watcherState.leftEvent}'),
        case WatchDataReceived():
          return Center(
            child: Text(
              'Right event: ${watcherState.rightEvent}',
        case WatchDone():
          return const Center(child: Text('Watch done'));

Dart Example

To run the Dart demo:

  1. Clone to codenic_clean_arch repository.

  2. Navigate to the packages/codenic_bloc_use_case directory.

  3. Run the example code:

dart run example/main.dart

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