External Dependencies

In the note_app/modules/infrastructure/ directory, include the following dependencies in the pubspec.yaml:

  flutter_lorem: {{LATEST_VERSION}}
  json_annotation: {{LATEST_VERSION}}
  sqlbrite: {{LATEST_VERSION}}

  build_runner: {{LATEST_VERSION}}
  json_serializable: {{LATEST_VERSION}}

Here's an overview of the packages:

  • flutter_lorem A package used for generating the test note entries when the application is first launched.

  • sqlbrite This package enables us to write, read and stream our note entries in a local SQL database.

  • json_annotation, json_serializable and build_runner A suite of packages for serializing and deserializing our note data model into JSON.

Fetch the dependencies:

flutter pub get modules/infrastructure

Tip: You can use a script to fetch the dependencies for all submodules in one go.

Last updated